Our farm is based on the model of the agricultural organism, which means that we work to enhance biodiversity (both crop and varietal). This system, even if less efficient from an immediate economic point of view, is very important for the creation of a living agricultural organism that becomes more resilient and therefore resistant. This determines a series of environmental advantages since it favors and stimulates the creation of different insects, flora, fauna, and in the medium to long term is an effective choice also from a business and economic point of view, since it certainly guarantees a harvest with any climatic condition and the possibility of always entering a fast and fluctuating market.
Another important point is the care and attention to the land: the real heritage for the farmer, the golden resource he has available and what he will leave as an inheritance to future generations. In the classic vision of biodynamics the plant is understood as a natural extension of the land, so in a good soil the plants will grow healthy, lush and without the need for external fertilization (which in addition to having different business costs has different costs for the community) this vision is now also supported by agronomy given the fearful "falls" of organic matter in industrially cultivated land that tend more and more to mineralization and death. (With less than 1% of Organic Substance the soil is agronomically deserted and the current Italian average is 1.2%)
Natural agriculture therefore has as its primary objective the vitality of the soil and its humification. In this context, it is essential to take a series of measures of good agricultural practices: the activation of endogenous microflora and microfauna, green manure, mulch, and non-invasive mechanical processes, plus the biodynamic practice adds different types of self-produced "therapeutic" compost - for example: plant compost or manure compost (depending on the need) prepared with 6 types of inocula derived from 6 different types of herbs, which support and increase the natural relationship between soil, plant and cosmos.
This relationship is considerably weakened by the "modern" practices of cultivation and selection of hybrid seeds or rootstocks selected in the laboratory.
In addition to this, the agricultural organism benefits beyond the company boundaries since it is born from the observation of the existing primary environmental factors (e.g. forest, water-flow, wind direction, dew zones, wetlands, dry zones) and fits harmoniously into the landscape, as if it were an extension of the wild belt that comes close to man, who becomes responsible and guarantor. In this way, the farmer benefits from the edible aspect of the plant world and supports the vital processes of crops and wild plants. The same applies to the fauna, which creates areas dedicated to the life and reproduction of birds, insects and other wild animals.
In detail, our agricultural practice consists of:
- it is done by hand or by non-invasive mechanisation of the soil, combined with the use of mulching to trigger the forces and processes of fertilisation and humification.
- study of the shape of the plant and of the associations.
- use of biodynamic or homeopathic preparations, mostly of our own production, used as harmonizers and balances of the whole, replacing the antagonistic actions.
- Aware of the fact that a healthy plant develops in a healthy ecosystem, our attention is not limited to the care of cultures, but includes the improvement of the surrounding environment.
- In the very rare case of strong attacks of parasites, we always work first on rebalancing, we finally admit the use of direct-acting biological preparations (even if until now, in the plots in which we operate, there has never been a need); in the case of attacks, we are aware of the fact that in this situation a natural logic is presenting that until then we had not seen, nor observed, so this must be studied for its understanding.
We know that man is composed of a physical body, of a metabolism that enlivens it, of an animic body (volitional-emotional-mental) and a consciential one: the same is true for the terrestrial organism, substantiated by the cosmos, and its manifestations. The conscious farmer can choose the tools to interact with the different dimensions of the earth and is called to fit in and join the consciousnesses that coordinate them.
Where can you find our products?
If you want to receive information about our products or want to buy them you can:
-Have them delivered to your home by sending an email or calling us (you will receive detailed information on how the service works)
-Come directly to the company, you will find us in the municipality of Narzole, fraz. Vergne - Loc. Carpaneta
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For info and purchases:
Stefano 3336861486